In early 2017, they were able to buy the dairy farm that had been their cow milk supply for several years. A couple of hardworking employees came on board and seven years later they knew they needed to grow the business.

Fast forward a couple years, and husband Andy quit his job, left behind a paycheck and health insurance and joined the effort and adventure into the unknown. She bought milk from local dairy farms and grew slowly and organically with lots of support from the amazing restaurants in Asheville, our community, and the tourists who visit the area. History: Looking Glass Creamery started as a one woman operation when Jennifer Perkins began making and selling very small batches of fresh goat cheese in Fairview in 2009. We believe that when these components are combined with unmatched customer service and great supplier partnerships it produces quality products that exceed our customers’ expectations and create profitable opportunities that strengthen the dedication to our shareholders and the community.” Mission: “Goodnight Brothers Country Ham is dedicated to offering our employees a friendly, clean, safe work environment with competitive wages, training, and state-of-the-art equipment. Together they grew the business to a point that expanding to a new facility was necessary in order to continue the growth. In 1985 Jim hired his first cousin Bill Goodnight, who was Neil’s son, to help with sales. Jim Goodnight, JC’s son, was hired in 1970 to run the country ham operation. By this time, Goodnight Brothers in Charlotte had merged with Pearce Young and Angel (known as PYA) giving JC a much greater area to sell his Watauga Country Ham and produce. JC remained in Boone running the produce and county ham operation. JC built a new country ham facility which opened in 1967.

Brothers Howard, Joe, Neil and Olan were all working from the new Charlotte based warehouse. In the year 1961, the Goodnight brothers built a new state of the art food distribution warehouse on Wilkerson Boulevard in Charlotte. After WWII all the brothers, excluding JC, moved off the mountain to start other divisions of Goodnight Brothers. History: In the 1930’s the brothers were buying produce in Watauga County and selling it to stores and restaurants down the mountain. Mission: AppalaChai! is produced using only the finest organic ingredients.
#Biscuit head menu how to
Tommy taught Katie how to make chai when they first started dating and she also makes amazing chai now too! Tommy and Joel now produce approximately 50-100 gallons of concentrate per week while Katie and Tommy work on sales, distribution, marketing and customer service. After many "meetings" on the disc golf course and brewing numerous small batches, adding and subtracting gram by gram of Tommy's friend's family recipe, they finally tweaked out what is now known as AppalaChai! When Joel and Tommy eventually got stuck on how to package and create the business officially, Katie came on board to kickstart the operation. They decided to fine tune a recipe that they could share with the public. Joel also made chai often, as well as many other medicinal teas.

Tommy had been making chai nearly every day since he learned an Indian friend's generation old family recipe 10+ years ago. Joel and Tommy met in the summer of 2012 chatting in between sets of the Town Pump Tavern's Tuesday night open jams and discussed topics such as herbal remedies and natural healing over some good local craft brews. History: AppalaChai! was founded in Black Mountain, NC by Kathryn Ames, Tommy Winant, and Joel "Windfox" Boyle in January of 2014.