
Noteworthy characteristics mspe examples
Noteworthy characteristics mspe examples

noteworthy characteristics mspe examples

Top 3 highlights of your CV or accomplishmentsĢ. There are two good ways to think about your Noteworthy Characteristics.ġ. MSPE are drafted by human beings and computers. You should still, however, proof read this for syntax errors. Summary paragraph with Ranking (if applicable).Clinical Rotation Evaluations (verbatim) Grades and Graphs.Your Academic Timeline (Matriculation dates, Delays, etc).The MSPE is a AAMC recommended and AAMC templated document which includes the following information: It is very simply a summary of your academic performance and curricular progress. There should be no surprises on your Medical Student Performance Evaluation (Dean’s Letter). Read VSAS short bio, supplemental statement. Students often ask me about the VSAS supplemental statement, etc.


You have to learn how to navigate this website and you need to apply for away rotations 4-6 months before your rotation date.

noteworthy characteristics mspe examples

It is an online application system for students to apply for away rotations. VSAS, ERAS, MSRP, NRMP, so many abbreviations!! VSAS is the Visiting Student Application System.

noteworthy characteristics mspe examples

Mentors and Letter writers often don’t realize things that you have accomplished from memory and thus a clean and uncluttered CV can be extremely helpful when drafting an applicants Letter of Recommendation. It is important that your letter writers see your accomplishments and interests. If you have 4 strong letter writers, I recommend uploading all of them. YOU SHOULD UPLOAD 4! This is an opportunity to have up to 4 voices support you in your residency pursuit. You are allowed to upload up to 4 letters of recommendations in ERAS. ( Student with Step 1 scores that are 20-30 points below 50%ile for that specialty or Failed Step 1 history.) These students should be considering a Parallel Plan. Some students have marginal Step 1 scores and their specialty decision rely heavily upon a successful Step 2. Because of this, I recommend that all applicants make Step 2 a part of their Residency Application. HOWEVER, times are changing and individual programs are recognizing the significance of Step 2 and its better association with clinical performance. In fact, most Surgical specialties WILL NOT consider your application more favorably if you demonstrate significant improvement in your Step 2 score. USMLE Step 1 has certainly become much more important than it was originally designed to be. Sitting for the exam by August allows you to automatically distribute your results to all programs so you do not have to follow up with each program post results. In august, USMLE Step 2 results usually post within 2-3 weeks. This means that you should sit for and take Step 2 by August 30th. For 90% of specialties, ERAS goes live Sept 15 of each year. Plainly stated, if your Step 1 score is below average (even by 1 point), you should take your USMLE Step 2 exam one month before your packet goes live. You should discuss this plan with your Student Affairs Dean and then confirm it with your Specialty Specific Advisor. Regardless of your specialty interest, most students ARE deciding to participate in an away rotation to increase their competitive edge. Some specialties (Orthopedics, Emergency Medicine, Plastic Surgery) require students to do at least 1-3 away rotations while other specialties (Family Medicine, Neurology, Pathology) do not require away rotations. It is also strategically important to do another rotation at your favorite program or favorite region of the US. You are most likely going to need a 4th year rotation in your specialty of choice at your home institution (see “Mandatory Home Institution Rotation?”). It is imperative that you create the most successful MS4 rotation schedule possible. Sent an email to your top 3 programs The Final Push! Draft and finalize your Personal Statement Draft and finalize your Noteworthy Characteristics Review your MSPE document aka “Dean’s Letter” If you are doing away rotations apply through VSAS

noteworthy characteristics mspe examples

Quick list for the MS4 year and ERAS season

Noteworthy characteristics mspe examples